Flower of the Woods

Welcome to my book page…

Each week, you would find a new chapter posted right here. Barring any mishaps, that should happen on Fridays and Mondays. Please do visit the page regularly for the updates…

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0. Prologue

1. Floria – A Paradise

2. The Village Life

3. A Happy Home

4. Shape of a Dream

5. Anxious Moments

6. Devil’s Own

7. Motherhood Denied

8. The Mother’s Despair

9. Dance of the Beasts

10. The Lost Wisdom

11. Heart or the Mind

12. Mali – The Junglekid

13. Not just a Smile

14. The Legend of Kaala

15. It’s Magic

16. The Jungle Blossoms

17. The Longing

18. Floria Continues

19. Good but Dangerous

20. Bow to the King

21. Kaala’s Concern

22. The Kings Counsel

23. At the Hog Den

24. Miracles do Happen

25. Wood Gatherer’s Miss 

26. Joy in the Face of Dangers 

27. The Circle of Confidence 

28. The Word goes Out 

29. Sparkles in the Jungle 

30. Flower of the Woods

31. A fresh ray of Hope

32. A close Shave

33. Power of love

34. TBA

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